
發(fā)布時間:2017-07-17 22:48:32語法:1、過去助動詞 たた 表示過去完了的助動詞,接在動詞的連用形后面,表示動詞普通體的過去時。五段動詞發(fā)生音便。例如: 飲む飲んだ食べる食べたするしたくき來る來た2、動詞謂語句做定語動詞謂語句修飾名詞。注意:動詞謂語句使用普通體一般有以下幾種情況:動詞的基本形+名詞~た+名詞~ている+名詞~ていた+名詞1) 動詞的基本形+名詞 表示的是通常情況下是這樣的事物,或將要是這樣的事物。例句:東京へ行く新幹線開往東京的新干線。練習:去日本旅行的外國人。日本へ旅行する外國人2) ~た+名詞 有過去、完了、狀態(tài)等意思。例句:我昨天回家的時候遇到了他。昨日家へ帰った時、彼に會いました。練習:喝過酒的人不準開車。お酒を飲んだ人は車を運転してはいけません。3) ~ている+名詞 表示動作正在進行或正在持續(xù)的狀態(tài)。例句:那個正在看書的人。あの本を読んでいる人練習:正在喝老師說話的人是我母親。あの先生と話している人は母です。4) ~ていた+名詞 表示動作過去進行或過去持續(xù)的動作。例句:剛才打電話的人是誰?さき電話をかけていた人は誰ですか。練習:剛才在寫字的人是小王。さき字を書いていた人は王さんです。3、~たことがある表示曾經做過某事,有過某種經歷的意思。例句:桂林へ行ったことがあります。我曾經去過桂林。練習:我吃過日本壽司。私は日本のお壽司を食べたことがあります。4、~たほうがいいです以委婉的語氣提出建議 最好還是 。例句:1)やはりゆっくり休んだほうがいいです。最好還是好好休息一下。2)もう少し,ゆっくり 話してください。請你說話再慢一點。練習:こっちの道を行ったほうがいいです。還是走這條路好。中日の交流課文:今から1000年以上前、日本の留學生が中國へ來ました。彼らは中國で勉強したいろいろなものを日本に伝えました。京都も奈良も中國の西安を真似て作った町です。中國の文化は日本の文化に大きい影響を與えました?,F在では大勢の人々が両國の間を行ったり來たりしています。各方面の交流も盛んになりました。両國が制作した映畫やテレビ番組も多くなりました。譯文:中國と日本の交流は新しい時代を迎えます。早在一千年以前,日本的留學生就來到了中國。他們把在中國學到的東西傳到了日本。京都和奈良就是仿照中國的西安建造的。中國的文化對日本的文化產生了很大的影響?,F在,還有很多人來往于中日兩國之間。各個方面的交流都很頻繁。兩國合作拍攝的電影和電視節(jié)目也變得多了起來。


發(fā)布時間:2017-06-30 11:09:14Can trees talk? Yes but not in words. Scientists have reasons to believe that trees do communicate with each other. Not long ago, researchers learned some surprising things. First a willow tree(柳樹)attacked in the woods by caterpillars(毛毛蟲) changed the chemistry of its leaves and made them taste so terrible that the caterpillars got tired of the leaves and stopped eating them. The even more astonishing, the tree sent out a special vapour a signal causing its neighbours to change the chemistry of their own leaves and make them less tasty.Communication, of course, doesn t need to be always in words. We can talk to each other by smiling, raising our shoulders and moving our hands. We know that birds and animals use a whole vocabulary of songs, sounds, and movements. Bees dance their signals, flying in certain patterns that tell other bees where to find nectar(花蜜) for honey. So why shouldn t trees have ways of sending messages?1. From the passage we know that caterpillars _______.A. like willow trees B. enjoy eating fallen leavesC. can talk to other caterpillars D. can send out a special vapour2. Caterpillars will stop eating willow tree leaves which _______.A. have a chemical change and become tasteless B. have a pleasant tasteC. are being attacked D. are communicating3. According to the passage, bees communicate with each other by _______.A. talking B. making unusual soundsC. singing songs D. flying certain patterns1.A。判斷題。正因為毛毛蟲覺得柳樹葉可口,它們才吃柳樹葉的。2.A。語義理解題。從第 1 段第 4 句話First a willow tree(柳樹)attacked in the woods by caterpillars(毛毛蟲) changed the chemistry of its leaves and made them taste so terrible that the caterpillars got tired of the leaves and stopped eating them 可以做出正確選擇。3.D。語義理解題。從第 2 段倒數第 2 句話 flying in certain patterns that tell other bees where to find nectar(花蜜) for honey 可以知道bees交流的方式。


發(fā)布時間:2017-08-25 10:30:41秦以前對外交流記載很少。魏、隋唐對外交流以文化為主,宋代以后經濟交流增加。明后期開始受侵略。唐代對外 開放 ,有盛唐氣度,對外交往很多。仍以文化為主,并且與魏晉南北朝時期以佛教為主的文化交流不甚相同,擴展為更廣泛意議上的文化交流。唐政府設鴻臚寺接待外國賓客,主要是與亞洲國家交流,有兩條交流路線:陸路 以長安為中心,西南達印度、緬甸,西北達西域,東北達朝鮮半島水路 以登州(蓬萊)、楚州(淮安)、揚州達日本,由廣州可達東南亞各國一、與朝鮮的交往隋煬帝伐高麗失敗后,唐初高麗敬畏唐朝。但太宗為了給兒子掃清隱患,主動出擊,于貞觀十八年率十萬大軍伐高麗,敗回;又造戰(zhàn)船謀攻,因太宗死而告寢。高宗時滅百濟和高麗,設 安東都護府 統(tǒng)轄之。但不久新羅反抗唐朝,統(tǒng)一了朝鮮半島。新羅統(tǒng)一后雙方恢復友好往來。派留學生到長安學習漢文化,如崔致遠考中進士,任侍御史,著有《桂苑筆耕集》。薛聰創(chuàng)朝鮮文,以漢字注音,稱 吏讀 。并仿唐朝搞科舉制,均田制(稱班田),《舊唐書 新羅傳》載唐玄宗說: 新羅號為君子之國,頗知書記,有類中華 。漢化很明顯。二、與日本的交往隋朝與日本交往很頻繁,小野妹子(男性)來隋時帶來倭王給煬帝的國書: 日出處天子致書日沒處天子無恙 。唐代二百年間日本派出十三批 遣唐使 ,每批二至五百人,包括留學生和留學僧人。留學生阿倍仲麻呂,漢名晁衡,善詩文,任唐御史中丞。與李白關系密切?;貒鴷r誤傳遇難,李白作《哭晁卿衡》,后返回長安。學問僧以空海最著名,學佛教密宗,回國后創(chuàng)密宗教派。唐代派往日本的有學者,也有個人主動去的。著名的是鑒真和尚,凡六次出海到達日本,雙目失明,仍講述佛教律宗,以及唐朝建筑,醫(yī)藥等。平城招提寺今仍存鑒真銅像。與唐朝的鼎盛相比,日本此時尚落后,頻繁的交往使之受唐文化影響很深。學中國制度文化:制度。仿唐官制(中央的省、知縣知事);仿唐律 搞了《大寶律令》;頒班田制與租庸綱法,仿唐搞科舉,習儒經。文學。留學生吉備真?zhèn)鋭?chuàng)《片假名》尸、亻、冖、工、才,空海著《篆隸萬象名義》字典,并創(chuàng) 平假名 ㄝㄙし元ポ,此外還學習唐朝詩文,尤其推崇白居易詩,很多日本學者用漢文著述。學習唐朝繪畫,稱 唐繪 。附:日本 大化革新 時學唐文化,是漢化;近代 明治維新 時學西方文化,是歐化。從文字上可看出痕跡;傳統(tǒng)名詞用漢字,新名詞用英語音調拼寫。三、與亞洲其他國家的交往1、東南亞。越南、柬博塞、緬甸、印尼、尼泊爾(林邑)(真臘 )(尼婆羅)2、南亞。印度,包括今巴基斯坦和孟加拉,統(tǒng)稱天竺。中國造紙術此時傳入印度,印度制糖技術傳入中國,玄宗改作《霓裳羽衣曲》原名婆羅門曲,即來自印度。玄奘西游后帶回佛經,并寫成《大唐西域記》十二卷,記述沿途見聞。隨后義凈從海路到印度,著《大唐西域求法高僧傳》等。斯里蘭卡,時稱獅子國,有遣唐使來長安。3、中亞。阿富汗,時稱吐火羅國,與唐王派使臣昭武九姓國:原位祁連山北昭武城,為匈奴所迫西遷,仍以 昭武 自稱,亦稱 粟特 人。分為康、安、石、曹、米、何、史、火尋、戊地九個小郡國。唐平西突厥后,九姓國王附唐朝,但唐朝不管其內政,只有經濟交往。4、西亞。伊朗,時稱波斯。阿拉伯人滅波斯時,很多波斯人流落長安,甚至亦客死長安。在大城市開 胡店 經商。東羅馬,唐稱拂菻,有遣唐使來長安。阿拉伯,唐稱大食。遣唐使到長安,商人來唐也很多,并傳入伊斯蘭教。天寶時怛羅斯之役中大食助西城石國,唐敗被大食得去者有杜環(huán),十年后放回唐朝,著有《大食國經行記》一書。附: 中國大百科全書 中國歷史 第1593頁有 中外文化交流 等長條,周一良撰,積具水準也。


發(fā)布時間:2017-06-29 11:36:25(1)2002年真題。Directions:Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled Cultures-National and International .In the essay you should:1)describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and2)give your comment on the phenomenon.You should write about 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.真題分析:本題體現了考研短文出題的多樣性,采用了一張照片而不是傳統(tǒng)的圖畫。這張照片十分具有感染力,但其中的難點是考生如何分析出圖畫的主題。我們可以看到題目中提示我們照片是一個美國女孩,因此我們可以將她引申為西方文化和思想的代表。而她身穿的中式服裝則是中國傳統(tǒng)和文化的代表。這身中式服裝顯然很適合美國女孩,而且女孩臉上甜蜜的笑容也說明她非常喜歡自己的裝束。因此,我們可以認為這種和諧的氛圍代表了西方人對于中國文化的接受、欣賞和認同。這就是本題的大致分析思路??忌梢越Y合當今世界的全球化趨勢來說明文化既是民族的,也是世界的。中國應當在國內外大力弘揚其優(yōu)秀的傳統(tǒng)文化,吸引全世界的眼球,并達到中國和世界各國文化的共同發(fā)展。思路拓展:通過這道真題我們可以很容易聯(lián)想到,在信息時代的今天,世界縮小成為了一個 地球村 ,交流和聯(lián)系變得十分方便。這使得全世界的人民拋棄了先前的民族、種族、國家等各種偏見,隨著經濟和貿易往來、政治交涉的日益頻繁,各國人民的文化交流也更加密切,增進了彼此之間的欣賞和認同感??忌梢灾赋龈鲊嗣裰g通過增進交流和理解,有助于保持和平、實現人類的共同發(fā)展、進步和繁榮。It is a very eye-catching photo in which an American girl is content in showing her traditional Chinese costume. She fits perfectly in the well-decorated hat, earrings, and splendid robe that apparently originate from a Southern Chinese ethnic group. What makes this picture extraordinary is the girl s moving smile, which clearly indicates a westerner s recognition and appreciation of Chinese culture.The sense of harmony that permeates this picture is representative of a new global tendency, that is, people of different nations begin to seek profound mutual understanding and friendly communication. As a result, cultures become international. China, in particular, unveils its previously mysterious image to the rest of the world by its open policy, and thus provides foreigners with the access of a rich and diversified gallery of traditional Chinese culture. The effect of such communication can be best exemplified by the recent years fashion to celebrate the traditional Chinese new year the Spring Festival globally.While people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary. The contemporary globalization is not only featured by frequent international trades, economic and political exchanges, but more importantly, by global citizens awareness and comprehension of the cultures in the world. I firmly believe that the blend of cultures is contributing, and will contribute more, to world peace, development, and prosperity.這是一幅非常吸引人的照片,上面一位美國姑娘在非常滿意地展示她的中式服裝。這套服裝包括了有著多彩裝飾的帽子、耳環(huán)和漂亮的袍子,很顯然是來自中國南方少數民族的傳統(tǒng)服飾,女孩穿著非常合身。令這張照片顯得非常特別的是這個美國女孩的動人笑容,體現出她對中國文化的認可和欣賞。彌漫在這幅照片中的那種和諧氛圍是當今一個全球潮流的典型代表,即來自不同國家的人們開始尋找彼此間深入的理解和友好的交流,因此,文化變得更加國際化。特別是中國正在揭開其先前的神秘面紗,通過對外開放政策向世界展示自己,為外國人提供了解豐富和多樣的中國傳統(tǒng)文化的途徑。這種交流的效果的最好例證就是在近年來,全球興起了一個新的流行趨勢,那就是慶祝中國的傳統(tǒng)新年 春節(jié)。人們都屬于不同的國家,但是文化是沒有國界的。當代全球化的特點不僅僅只是更頻繁的國際貿易、經濟以及政治上的交流,而更重要的是全世界人民對于世界上各種文化的認識和理解。我堅信各種文化的融合正在給,也將會給世界的和平、發(fā)展和繁榮做出越來越多的貢獻。閃光詞匯及詞組:splendid: adj. 極好的originate from: 來源于permeate: v. 彌漫,充滿mutual: adj. 相互的unveil: v. 揭開diversified: adj. 多樣化的gallery: n. 畫廊,陳列室feature: v. 以 為特點comprehension: n. 理解blend: n. 融合萬能句型:It is a very eye-catching photo in whichWhile people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary.(2) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.Recent years have witnessed an ever-increasing exchange of cultures between countries. As is shown in the picture, six adolescents from different countries with different ethnicities got together and took part in the activity called American Culture Ambassador . Obviously, culture exchanges are gaining worldwide popularity.There are several reasons accounting for this phenomenon of th picture. For one thing, cultural exchanges can enhance international friendship, and people can acquire better understanding of each other. Through cultural exchanges, they can learn of different peoples around the world, what they believe in, how they lead their daily life, and their traditions and customs. For another, cultural exchanges can also greatly benefit the countries involved. That is because countries can share their achievements with each other to stimulating their own social progress and cultural prosperity.To sum up, worldwide cultural exchange is beneficial to all countries involved. As for China, the open-door policy has greatly promoted the Chinese civilization to the entire world and vice versa. Therefore, I can firmly conclude that in the long run, cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing Chinese and global economy, as well as diversified cultures.最近幾年間不同國家之間的文化交流變得越來越頻繁。正如圖中所示,五個來自不同國家、有著不同膚色的青少年聚集在一起,參加名為 美國文化交流小大使 的活動。很顯然,文化交流在全世界正變得越來越流行。我認為,這個現象的產生有諸多原因。一方面,文化交流能夠促進國際間的友誼,而人們也可以增進對彼此的了解。通過文化交流,他們可以了解世界上其他地區(qū)的不同民族,他們的信仰,他們的日常生活,以及他們的傳統(tǒng)和習俗。另一方面,文化交流也能夠大大促進參與交流國家的發(fā)展。這是因為,不同國家能夠交流彼此的成就,因此也會刺激他們自己的社會發(fā)展和文化繁榮??偠灾?,世界范圍內的文化交流對于所有國家都是有利的。對于中國來說,開放政策把中華文明推向了全世界,也把世界其他文明引進了中國。因此,我堅持認為在長期看來,文化交流會促進中國和世界經濟的繁榮以及文化的多樣化發(fā)展。閃光詞匯及詞組:adolescent: n. 青少年ambassador: n. 大使acquire: v. 獲得,得到stimulate: v. 刺激,激勵prosperity: n. 繁榮civilization: n. 文明entire: adj. 全部的,完整的vice versa: 反之亦然flourishing: adj. 繁榮的,欣欣向榮的diversified: adj. 多樣化的萬能句型:Recent years have witnessedAs far as I am concerned, there are several reasons accounting for this phenomenon of the picture.To sum upTherefore, I can firmly conclude that(3) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.老外過春節(jié)What is presented here is a very interesting scenario. A white man is dressed in traditional Chinese costume composed of a bright red hat and a long robe. From the subtitle we know that he is participating in the annual celebration of the Chinese Spring Festival, his face revealing happiness and satisfaction. Behind him are more foreigners in traditional Chinese costumes of various styles.We can deduce from the picture that the world is paying more attention to the traditional Chinese culture that with a long history. It partly owes to China s growth into one of world s principal economies, and partly to the colorful and diversified components in the culture itself. Except the case reflected in the picture, there is bountiful evidence demonstrating the prevailing influence and strong surge of Chinese culture. For example, it has become a convention for the French President to congratulate on the Chinese New Year.To conclude, I believe that the world s recognition of Chinese culture brings China and the rest of the world closer. Apart from mutual benefits of economic expansion, culture exchanges also promote international friendships at home and abroad. Furthermore, they can create a friendly ecosystem to allow China a better environment of development. Lastly, they also contributes vastly to the world s peace and prosperity.這幅圖展示的是一個非常有趣的情景。一個白人穿著一套中國傳統(tǒng)服裝,即一頂大紅的帽子和長袍。從題目中我們可推斷他正在參加一個慶祝中國春節(jié)的年度盛會,同時他喜氣洋洋的笑臉充分展示了他的快樂和滿足。他后面還有更多的外國人穿著不同風格的中國服飾。我們可以從這幅圖中推斷,世界對于擁有悠久歷史的中國傳統(tǒng)文化開始投入了越來越多的關注。這一部分是因為中國已發(fā)展成為世界上的主要經濟體之一,一部分是因為中國文化本身就非常多采和豐富。除了圖中反映的例子,還有無數的事實可以證明中國文化的影響越來越廣泛和深入。例如,現在法國總統(tǒng)每年向中國人們問候新年已經成為了慣例。總而言之,我認為世界對于中國文化的承認使得中國和世界其他地區(qū)走得越來越近了。除了經濟擴張帶來的相互利益,文化交流促進了在國內外的友誼發(fā)展。此外,文化交流也為中國的發(fā)展創(chuàng)造出了一個友好的環(huán)境。最后,這對于世界的和平與繁榮也做出了巨大的貢獻。閃光詞匯及詞組:component: n. 組成部分bountiful: adj. 慷慨的,大方的demonstrate: v. 顯示,證明,論證prevailing: adj. 流行的,主要的surge: n. 高漲,洶涌convention: n. 傳統(tǒng),慣例recognition: n. 承認,重視ecosystem: n. 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)prosperity: n. 繁榮萬能句型:What is presented here is a very interesting scenario.From the subtitle we know thatWe can deduce from the picture thatIt partly owes to and partly toTo conclude, I believe that(4) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.The picture reveals two foreigners who are concentrating on practicing Chinese calligraphy. The woman is holding the brush in a very standard posture, while the Chinese character she wrote is of high aesthetic value. Clearly, she has mastered a high level of this mystical Chinese art.The picture aims to remind us that Chinese art, with its diversified elements, is drawing enthusiastic attention from the rest of the world. For instance, the western society finds Chinese kong fu enthralling, which is particularly mirrored by the popularity of kong fu movies. Meanwhile, the world has also been conquered by Chinese tai chi, as well as traditional Chinese music, painting, calligraphy, and architecture. Even traditional Chinese medicine is gaining a steadily increasing recognition with its holistic perspective in treating diseases and maintaining health. More importantly, foreign interest in Chinese culture no longer is not only about appreciation of the surface, but they commence to explore the essence the civilization.From a personal point of view, I am delighted to witness the prevalent circulation of Chinese culture. For one thing, the mood derives from a national pride that we can contribute enormously to the diversity of global culture. For another, Chinese art provides a great platform for people home and abroad to create friendships across countries.這幅圖展現了兩個外國人正在聚精會神地練習中國的書法。我們可以看到這個女人以非常標準的姿勢拿著毛筆,她寫的大字也非常符合中國的審美。很顯然,她已經掌握了這門中國藝術的高水平技能。這幅圖意在告訴我們,有著多元因素的中國藝術正在吸引來自全世界的熱切關注。例如,西方社會發(fā)現中國的功夫非常美妙迷人,因此功夫電影也非常風靡。同時,中國太極拳、以及傳統(tǒng)音樂、繪畫、書法以及建筑等都征服了全世界。特別值得一提的是中醫(yī)也正在獲得越來越多的承認,這門醫(yī)學以整體的視角來治療疾病、保持人們的身體健康。更重要的是,外國人對于中國文化的欣賞不僅僅流于表面,他們已經開始探索中國文明的精華和底蘊。在我個人看來,我非常高興地看到中國文化的日趨流行。一方面,這種情緒來自于我的民族自豪感,我為我們可以對世界文化的多樣性做出貢獻感到驕傲。另一方面,中國藝術給國內外的人們提供了一個巨大的平臺,使她們可以發(fā)展跨國友誼。閃光詞匯及詞組:calligraphy: n. 書法brush: n. 毛筆posture: n. 姿勢,姿態(tài)aesthetic: adj. 審美的,美學的,具有美感的mystical: adj. 神秘的,奧秘的enthralling: adj. 迷人的holistic: adj. 整體的,全盤的circulation: n. 流通platform: n. 平臺萬能句型:The picture aims to remind us thatFrom a personal point of view, I am delighted to witness(5) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.如果重新畫這幅畫,最好多畫上一些白人和黑人的臉。A first glace at this picture gives us the impression that it is a common running competition. Yet, a more careful survey reveals that the participants of the race come from different countries, as is indicated by their skin colors. The banner behind further tells us that the event was held jointly by Chinese and American students on the symbolic site of the Great Wall.Anyone who sees this picture would be convinced that such an activity must generate international friendship among the young. As is commonly known, sports usually serve the role of ambassador among nations, greatly promoting mutual understanding and communication between different peoples. Take the Sino-U.S. relation as an example, against the background of the Cold War in the 1970s, the cold relation between the two countries was firstly warmed up not by politicians but ping-pong players from both countries. Moreover, the Olympic Games is also endeavoring to achieve the ultimate goal of uniting the world s citizens by encouraging them to compete fairly in the domain of sports.To briefly conclude, sport activities and competitions not only bring forth personal enjoyment and friendship among common people, but more importantly, beneficial exchanges across countries, and for that matter, world peace and prosperity. In particular, they can also help shape a more sound relationship among future generations.第一眼看到這幅圖給我們的印象是這是一場普通的跑步比賽。但是,仔細觀察該圖我們會發(fā)現跑步者膚色不同,他們應該是來自不同的國家。圖上的橫幅進一步告訴我們這是一場中美學生在具有象征意義的中國長城上舉辦的一場活動。任何看過這幅圖畫的人們都會相信這樣的一場活動一定會促成年輕人之間的國際友誼。眾所周知,運動一般都扮演了國家之間的 大使 這一角色,能夠巨大地促進不同民族之間的互相理解和交流。以中美關系為例,在20世紀70年代冷戰(zhàn)的大背景下,兩國關系不是由政治家而是兩國的乒乓球運動員們改善的。此外,奧林匹克運動會也是努力通過鼓勵世界人民通過體育的公平競爭來達到團結人們的最終目的的。簡單的總結來說,體育活動和競賽不僅可以帶來個人的享受和民間友誼,更重要的是還可以帶來跨國間的有益交流,以及世界和和平和繁榮,特別是還可以幫助在下一代之間形成更加健康的關系。閃光詞匯及詞組:race: n. 賽跑banner: n. 旗幟,橫幅,標語generate: v. 產生,發(fā)生people: n. (可數名次)民族warm up: 加熱,熱身,變暖Sino-U.S. relation: n. 中美關系ultimate: adj. 最終的,根本的bring forth: 帶來萬能句型:A first glace at this picture give us the impression thatYet, a more careful survey reveals thatfurther tells us thatAnyone who sees this picture would be convinced that(6) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.北大國際文化節(jié)What is presented in front of us is a very affecting scene. Two African students are showcasing some traditional instruments from their hometown to a Chinese student, and they are trying to teach the latter how to play the instruments. It is one of the happy moments in the International Festival of China s most prestigious university, Peking University.The message behind this picture is quite clear, that is, the Chinese are enhancing their communication with the world in terms of culture. International Festival, for instance, provides a sufficient platform for overseas students to demonstrate unique forms of art from their own countries. Accordingly, Chinese students also obtain a great chance to appreciate exotic aesthetics. It is not only an event of showing and watching, it is more an interactive process in which all people have the same opportunity to seek friendship and knowledge.Out of holding cultural communication activities is beneficial to both people in and outside China, they win mutual favor and trust, thus further promoting friendship and cooperation. If this kind of friendship can be extended to the relations among nations, it will be bliss for the world peace.呈現在我們面前的是一個非常動人的情景。兩個非洲學生正在展示來自他們家鄉(xiāng)的傳統(tǒng)樂器,并教一個中國學生如何演奏這些樂器。這是發(fā)生在中國最有聲望的北京大學的國際文化節(jié)中的快樂一幕。這幅圖畫背后所隱含的信息非常清晰,即中國人正在文化層面上增進與世界的交流。例如,國際文化節(jié)為留學生們提供了一個充分展示他們祖國獨特藝術形式的平臺。因此中國學生也得到了這么一個好機會來欣賞國外的藝術。更重要的是,這不僅僅只是展示和觀看,而更是一個互動的過程,是所有參與的人們都能夠有相同的機會找到友誼、學到知識。毫無疑問,舉辦文化交流活動對于國人還是外國人都是有益的。他們都能得到相互的理解和信任,因此進一步發(fā)展友誼、促進合作。如果我們把這種友誼上升到國際關系的層面,那么這對于世界和平來說是最大的福音。閃光詞匯及詞組:affecting: adj. 感人的,動人的showcase: v. 顯示,陳列prestigious: adj. 享有聲望的,聲望很高的overseas students: n. 留學生exotic: adj. 外來的,異國情調的aesthetics: n. 審美interactive: adj. 互動的multiplex: adj. 多元的萬能句型:What is presented in front of us is a very affecting scene.The message behind this picture is quite clear, that is(7) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.北京人學英語This picture describes an old Beijing resident s encounter with a foreigner on the subway. The old man is learning English, and he seizes the good chance not only to practice English but also to ask some questions. From the picture we can perceive that the foreigner is also very happy to do him a favor.The harmonious atmosphere conveyed in the picture is quite stimulating, implying that Beijing is becoming a more international and friendly city. Moreover, the whole country of China is opening her arms to embrace a world that is witnessing strong globalization. Against such a background, Chinese citizens are presented with a lively stage for more frequent and in-depth communications with people from the outside world. Especially at the eve of China s hosting the 2008 Olympic Games, studying English, for instance, is no longer a business of the youngsters, but of those of all ages, occupations, and social status.In my opinion, this tendency is very encouraging. That is, Chinese people are increasingly interested in the rest of the world, and are quite willing and ready to befriend foreigners. Consequently, it can enhance not merely economic trade but more importantly, culture communications. With more mutual understanding, China and the world can both anticipate a brighter future.這幅圖描述了一個家住北京的老人在地鐵上遇到一個老外的情景。顯然這個老人正在學習英語,因此他抓住了這個機會不僅和老外練習口語,而且還問了一些問題。從圖中我們可以看到這個外國人也很樂意幫忙。這幅圖中所傳達的和諧氛圍令人非常振奮,說明北京正在變成一個更加國際化和友好的城市。更進一步說,整個中國正在張開雙臂擁抱全球化的世界。在這一背景下,中國人也站到了一個生動的舞臺上與外面世界的人們進行頻繁和深入的交流。特別是在中國舉辦2008年奧運會前夕,學習英語不再是年輕人的任務,所有年齡、職業(yè)和社會地位的人們都在學習英語。我認為這種趨勢非常鼓舞人心。中國人對于這個世界越來越感興趣,更加愿意與外國人為友。這不僅能夠促進經濟上的貿易,更能促進文化交流。彼此間深入的了解能夠使中國和世界都能展望一個更加美好的未來。閃光詞匯及詞組:encounter: n. 相遇,遇到do someone a favor: 幫助某人embrace: v. 擁抱in-depth: adj. 深入的at the eve of: 在 之前youngster: n. 年輕人,少年social status: 社會地位befriend: v. 與 為友anticipate: v. 預期,期望萬能句型:The harmonious atmosphere conveyed in the picture is quite stimulating, implying thatIn my opinion, this tendency is very encouraging.Consequently, it can enhance not merely economic trade but more importantly, culture communications.(8) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.This picture is actually a poster advertising for the cultural exchange activities between China and France. As it is nicely designed, we can see that the campaign includes performances of traditional dance, opera, drama and other forms of art from the two countries. Surely the poster can excite public attention for such a splendid exchange.As a matter of fact, the poster portrays merely a diminutive part of China"s endeavor in the recent years to advocate its own culture to the rest of the world. A careful survey help us discover that our country is actively engaged in hosting Year of China activities in lots of foreign countries. During that one year, citizens of other nations can have access in their neighborhoods or communities to live performances of the unique Peking Opera and other Chinese operas. There are also exhibitions concerning Chinese painting, music and cultural relics that succeed in arousing great enthusiasm for China among common foreigners.In my point of view, cultural communication is an indispensable supplement to further promote China"s political and economic exchange with the world. Political exchanges give care compassions, and money, to economic exchanges. Therefore, such activities can greatly help smooth China merging into global community.這幅圖實際上是一幅宣傳中法之間的文化交流活動的海報。從這幅設計精致的海報中,我們可以發(fā)現該活動包括了來自兩國的傳統(tǒng)舞蹈、戲曲、戲劇以及其他形式的藝術表演。這幅海報一定會在民眾中激起對這種精彩交流活動的強烈興趣。實際上,這幅海報體現的只是中國在幾年來向世界宣傳其文化活動的一個極小的部分。如果我們做一個仔細的研究,就會發(fā)現我們國家正積極地投身于在國外舉辦所謂的 中國年 活動。在這一年中,各國的民眾可以在他們的社區(qū)中欣賞現場的演出,包括獨特的京劇以及其他中國戲曲等。此外,還有許多關于中國繪畫、音樂以及文物的各類展覽,這些都成功地在普通外國人中激發(fā)了對于中國的熱情。我認為,文化交流是促進中國與世界的政治與經濟交流的一種必不可少的補充。這是因為,前者給后者那種純粹的利益交換增添了更多的人情味。因此,這些活動能夠極大地促進中國融入到世界中去。閃光詞匯及詞組:campaign: n. 活動excite: v. 激起splendid: adj. 極好的,壯麗的,輝煌的diminutive: adj. 小的live: adj. 實況轉播的Peking Opera: n. 京劇arouse: v. 激起,引起萬能句型:As it is nicely designed, we can see thatAs a matter of fact, the poster portrays merely a diminutive part ofIn my point of view, cultural communication is an indispensable supplement to further promote Political exchanges give care compassions, and money, to economic exchanges.Therefore, such activities can greatly help smooth China merging into global community.