
發(fā)布時間:2017-06-24 20:20:12四川大學復試口語最常用問題1:Did you participate in research projects in your field? If you have taken part in projects,please describe briefly.(考查專業(yè)詞匯。)2:what can you tell me about yourself?(實際就是自我介紹)= please introduce yourself.3:How to cope with mental pressure or psychological burden from study during the days preparing for the first examination?(怎么處理考研復習學習給你帶來的壓力)4:what is your greatest weakness?(弱點)5:why did you choose our university?6:what was your greatest achievement? How do you feel about it?7:which aspect is your greatest strength?(優(yōu)點)8:what is your opinion about financial crisis?(你對金融危機的看法)9: what would like to be doing afer graduation?(畢業(yè)后的打算)以上9個問題,是四川大學各學院,非外語專業(yè)考研口語復試歷年來出現(xiàn)頻率最高的問題。09年,考研英語口語復試,還出現(xiàn)了一些比較常規(guī)的如下6個題目。建議考生都應該記住。1 Self---introduceGood morning /afternoon, my dear teachers, my dear professors. I am very gald to be here for your interview. my chinese name is which was given me by my parents. symbolizes peace, health and happiness.I also have an English name. my English name is which was given me by my a college English teacher who came from . represents being childish. In my teacher`s eye, I am a child forever.I am 24 years old. I come from city. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in university in July this year. Now I am trying my best for obtaining a key to this university.Generally speaking I am a hard working student especially do the thing that I am interested in. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when I was sophomore, I found web design was very intertesting.So I learnd it very hard. To weaver a homepage for myself ,I stayed with my personal computer half a month.And I am the first one in our class who own his homepage.Furthermore I am a person with perseverance because I firmly believe that persevercance can sometimes equal genius. just like an old proverb goes, there are only two creatures who can mount the pyramids ---the eagle and the snail.During the days preparing for the first examination, I insist on running everyday no matter what the weather was like. And just owing to this ,I could concentrate on my study and succeed in the end.Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, Chinese chess and pingpong. English is also my favorite. So I often go to English corner to practice my oral English and write compositions to improve my written ability, but I know my English is not good enough. so I will continue studying English hardOk, that`s all, thank you for your attention, my god bless you.2 The reason for my choiceI have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer. In my opinion, (報考的大學) ***** university as one of the most famous university in our city,It provides people with enough room to get further enrichment .I think this is my first reason.The second one is I am long for doing some research in this universiy throughout my life . It`s a pleasure to be with my favorite scientifical research for my life-time. I suppose this is most important factor in my decision.Thirdly, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize myself vaule. Life is precious, one time for everyone including me. So it is necessary to seize any opportunity for self-development,espcially in the competitive modern world.3 plan in the postgraduateWell, thank you for question, I hope I can form systematic view of 大專業(yè)詞匯 . As for 專業(yè) , especially 研究方向 , my express wish is to get to complete comprehension of formation and development as well as potential economical value. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.In a word I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for further profession after three yeas study here.4 my familyThere are six members in my family. My grandfather,my parents my sister,my bother and me. My father is a agent of china life assurance limited company. So he often goes out on business.It`s obvious to most of us and people around us that most of housework is done my industrious mom. Both my sister and my brother are doctor in my hometown in order to take care of our big family. Mounting at the weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They also can strengthen our relaxation. During preparing for coming here,my grandfather`s my parents` my sister`s my brother`s love and support have always been my power. So I hope in the future I will able to repay them.5 my hometown ChongQing city(我的家鄉(xiāng))(material source:www.wikipedia.org 你可以登陸此網(wǎng)站查閱全世界每一個角落的英文介紹)I am from a famous city with a long history over 1000 years ---- 城市名字 city. The city lies in southwestern of china and she also is the center of industry and economy in southwestern chinaNow,indeed ,chongqing city is the bigest city in china in terms of area and population.In addition , 城市名字 is a popular destination for travelers with her hilly slopes, night views, rivers ,fog and hotpot. As the matter of fact , owing to rivers and fog, it maybe said without fear of exaggeration that城市名字 is a natural wonder. So it is pleasant to visit the city in any season except in summer. Because you know chongqing is unbearably hot during the summer.In a word , I love my hometown----城市名字 city more than people around me can imagin. I was born in this city and her culture have been having a profound influence on my life as well as my work.(在面試的時候,你的家鄉(xiāng)就是你所報考的學校所在地,面試官也不知道你到底來自何方。因為沒有方言交流的機會。面試官一般都是本地人,如果你和他們都是老鄉(xiāng),結果自然會朝著你希望的方向發(fā)展。)6 my university你的大學名字 is one of the oldest univeristy in provinceIt was founded in 1908 and covers an area of 2500 mu. The building area coves about 1000 mu. It develops into a comprehensive university with the efforts of generations especially after the reform and opening up. It takes lead among the same species universities with nice teaching and scientifical research ability. The labrary has a storage of 1.5 million books. And various research institutes are set up including 32 scientifical research center. There are teaching research experimental base, For example, computer center, analyzing-test center, modern education technical center and so on.備注:紅色的部分,以及紅色相關的部分,你需要做出相應的調(diào)整。然后在初試之后,復試之前,對著大樹或者鏡子,每天背誦2-3遍。只有這樣你在復試口語才會有信心。作為非外語專業(yè)的考生,英語水平,尤其是口語水平,考生本人知道,面試官更清楚。所以你放心去準備就是了。祝所有在考研路上考研同胞考研成功,虎年大吉!金榜提名!英語口語面試禮儀注意:1:當老師提問之后,你在回答問題之前,首先必須說,Well, thank you for your question. 表示你這個人有涵養(yǎng)!2:當你回答問題的結束時,你要向老師示意你回答完畢。(OK, that`s over ! thank you)。否則老師會認為你還在思考,而你是在等待下一個問題,你和面試官頓時相顧無言,造成不必要的尷尬。3:所有面試結束后,你應該想面試官表示感謝。Thank you for your time, thank you for your interview. 然后起立,把凳子放回原處,再離開。4:著裝整潔,莊重,也是對面試官的最重。應該引起注意。


發(fā)布時間:2017-08-28 12:34:32有機化合物化合物可分為有機化合物和無機化合物,有機化合物都含有碳元素。碳的氧化物、碳酸、碳酸鹽等具有無機化合物的特點,屬于無機化合物。生活中常見的有機物甲烷(最簡單的有機物、相對分子質量最小的有機物)、乙醇(俗名:酒精)、乙酸(俗名:醋酸)、葡萄糖、蔗糖、蛋白質、淀粉等有機物數(shù)目龐大的原因:原子的排列方式不同。在有機物中,碳原子可以和氮、氫、氧等原子直接結合,而且碳原子之間可以互相連接起來,形成碳鏈或碳環(huán)。根據(jù)相對分子質量大小,有機物可分為小分子(如甲烷、乙醇、乙酸、葡萄糖)和有機高分子化合物(如蛋白質、淀粉等)含碳、氫(含碳、氫、氧)的有機物在充分燃燒時,產(chǎn)物都是二氧化碳和水。而在不充分燃燒時,產(chǎn)物是一氧化碳和水。有機合成材料有機高分子材料有機高分子材料可分為天然有機高分子材料和合成有機高分子材料。棉花、羊毛、蠶絲、天然橡膠等屬于天然有機高分子材料。棉花點燃后產(chǎn)生燒紙氣味。塑料、合成纖維、合成橡膠是三大合成材料。高分子材料的結構和性質鏈狀結構 熱塑性 如:聚乙烯塑料、聚氯乙烯塑料網(wǎng)狀結構 熱固性 如:酚醛塑料(電木)、脲醛塑料(電玉)具有熱塑性的塑料可以進行熱修補。鑒別聚乙烯塑料和聚氯乙烯塑料:點燃后聞氣味,有刺激性氣味的為聚氯乙烯塑料。聚氯烯塑料袋有毒,不能裝食品。鑒別羊毛線和合成纖維線:物理方法:用力拉,易斷的為羊毛線,不易斷的為合成纖維線?;瘜W方法:點燃,產(chǎn)生燒焦羽毛氣味,不易結球的為羊毛線;無氣味,易結球的為合成纖維線。白色污染 及環(huán)境保護危害:①破壞土壤,污染地下水;②危害海洋生物的生存;③如果焚燒含氯塑料會產(chǎn)生有毒的氯化氫氣體,從而對空氣造成污染。解決途徑:①減少使用不必要的塑料制品;②重復使用某些塑料制品,如塑料袋、塑料盒等;③使用一些新型的、可降解的塑料,如微生物降解塑料和光降解塑料等;④回收各種廢棄塑料。塑料的分類是回收和再利用的一大障礙。我們要控制使用保鮮膜。常見物質的化學式單質


發(fā)布時間:2017-11-25 16:46:57建筑材料的基本性質1.力學性質(1)強度。材料在經(jīng)受外力作用時抵抗破壞的能力,稱為材料的強度。根據(jù)外力施加方向的不同,材料強度又可分為抗拉強度、抗壓強度、抗彎強度和抗剪強度等。(2)材料的彈性、塑性、脆性與韌性。材料在承受外力作用的過程中,必然產(chǎn)生變形,如撤除外力的作用后,若材料幾何形狀恢復原狀,則材料的這種性能稱為彈性。若材料的幾何形狀只能部分恢復,而殘留一部分不能恢復的變形,該殘留部分的變形稱為塑性變形。材料受力時,在無明顯變形的情況下突然破壞,這種現(xiàn)象稱為脆性破壞。具有這種破壞特性的材料,稱為脆性材料,如玻璃、陶瓷等。在沖擊、振動荷載的作用下,材料在破壞過程中吸收能量的性質稱為韌性,吸收的能量越多韌性越好。2.建筑材料的基本物理參數(shù)(1)密度。材料在絕對密實狀態(tài)下單位體積內(nèi)所具有的質量稱為密度(g/cm3)。(2)表觀密度。材料在自然狀態(tài)下(包含內(nèi)部孔隙)單位體積所具有的質量,稱為表觀密度(g/m3或kg/m3)。(3)堆積密度。散粒狀材料在自然堆積狀態(tài)下單位體積的質量,稱為堆積密度(g/cm3或kg/m3)。(4)孔隙率。材料中孔隙體積占材料總體積的百分率。材料中孔隙的大小,以及大小孔隙的級配是各不相同的,而且孔隙結構形態(tài)也各不相同,有的與外界相連通,稱開口孔隙,有的與外界隔絕,稱封閉孔隙??紫堵适欠从巢牧霞氂^結構的重要參數(shù),是影響材料強度的重要因素。除此之外,孔隙率與孔隙結構形態(tài)還對材料表觀密度。吸水。抗?jié)B。抗凍、干濕變形以及吸聲、絕熱等性能密切相關。因此,孔隙率雖然不是工程設計和施工中直接應用的參數(shù),但卻是了解和預估材料性能的重要依據(jù)。(5)空隙率。散粒狀材料在自然堆積狀態(tài)下,顆粒之間空隙體積占總體積的百分率,稱為空隙率。(6)吸水率。材料由干燥狀態(tài)變?yōu)轱査疇顟B(tài)所增加的(所吸入水的)質量一:材料十質量之比的百分率,稱為材料的吸水率。(7)含水率。材料內(nèi)部所包含水分的質量占材料干質量的百分率,稱為材料的含水率。3.建筑材料的耐久性建筑材料在使用過程中經(jīng)受各種常規(guī)破壞因素的作用而能保持其使用性能的能力,稱為建筑材料的耐久性。建筑材料在使用中逐漸變質和衰退直至失效,有其內(nèi)部因素,也有外部因素。其內(nèi)部因素有材料本身各種組分和結構的不穩(wěn)定、各組分熱膨脹的不一致,所造成的熱應力、內(nèi)部孔隙、各組分界面上化學生成物的膨脹等;其外部因素有使用中所處的環(huán)境和條件,諸如日光曝曬,大氣、水、化學介質的侵蝕,溫度濕度變化,凍融循環(huán),機械摩擦,荷載的反復作用,蟲菌的寄生等。這些內(nèi)外因素,可歸結為機械的。物理的?;瘜W的、物理化學的及生物的作用。在實際工程中,這些因素往往同時綜合作用于材料,使材料逐漸失效。

