
發(fā)布時間:2019-04-27 23:42:57道路的起點 空間的長河的源頭 時間的坐標的中心 時空的、多維的、正反的事物的根本 事理的、哲學的、價值觀的因此我們可以進一步推其比喻義:道路的起點 事業(yè)的早先開始成河的源頭 歷史曾經的開端坐標的中心 白紙一般人生的童年事物的根本 事物的原本狀態(tài),如:植物的生命由生到死二、準確把握題目內容1.對局部關鍵性文字進行反復推敲所謂的關鍵性文字,主要是指 題眼 和話題本身。對這些詞,可以直接解詞釋義,可以進行近義辨析,可以進行置換比較。(1) 題眼 捕捉①主謂短語類試題中的謂語主語是寫作的范圍、對象,審題重點要放在動詞上。②偏正短語類試題中的修飾語修飾語是對中心詞的特殊限制,審題重點要放在限制詞上。例如:以 詩意地生活 為題目寫一篇作文


發(fā)布時間:2019-04-28 11:24:352.根據(jù)情景和邏輯進行判斷A recent survey shows that in modern society,most people pick up practical goals,such as earning money to buy a house and a car , to improve one s life quality , finding a good job .The Chinese meaning of the phrase life quality is ________.3.根據(jù)同義詞或反義詞關系猜測詞義If you want to be a musician,you usually have to move to an area that has a lot of jobs,such as New York City.The cost of living in these areas is usually very high.The third disadvantage is that you can t have a stable family life.Different jobs will take a musician to different places,so most musicians are unable to have a regular family.What does the underlined word stable mean in Chinese?A.幸福的 B.穩(wěn)定的 C.健康的 D. 和睦的從后一句話說 Different jobs will take a musician to different places,so most musicians are unable to have a regular family. ,從句中的 different places 和 regular 可判斷B為正確答案。(五)學會應對閱讀理解中的細節(jié)題和推理題1.做細節(jié)事實題的方法在閱讀理解題中,有相當一部分是考查細節(jié)和事實的題目。這類題目相對容易一些。這些題目有兩個共同特點:(1)凡屬針對特定細節(jié)的考題,其正確答案大都可以在閱讀材料中找到對應的文字部分作為驗證。這一部分可能是一個詞或短語,也可能是一個句子或相關的若干句子,但句式、用詞和表達方式不同。2.做推理判斷題的方法所謂推斷,就是根據(jù)閱讀材料中所提供的信息,推斷出未知的信息,即把有關的文字作為已知部分,從中推斷出未知部分。據(jù)以推斷的有關文字可能是詞或句子,也可能是若干句子,甚至是全文。中考英語試題中的推斷題主要有以下幾種:(1)事實推斷(2)指代推斷確定代詞的含義和指代對象是閱讀理解題常見的題目。要確定指代詞所指代的對象,關鍵在于對所在上下文的正確理解。另外,指代名詞的指代詞,其單復數(shù)形式與被指代的詞一致,因此數(shù)的形式可作為識別指代對象的第一個輔助標志。


發(fā)布時間:2019-04-28 11:24:12此類題目的主要提問方式有:(1)Many visitors come to the writer s city to ________.(2)Western people usually use cat to refer to(指代) ________ .(3)Tom s mother bought him a clock,because ________.5.考查依據(jù)短文內容和考生應有的常識進行推理和判斷的能力(1)We can guess the writer of the letter may be a ________.(2)We can infer from the text that________________ .(3)Who are the intended readers of the passage?(4)From the story we can guess ________________.(5)When a fire happens,_______if you open the hot door.6.考查推斷作者的觀點、意圖和態(tài)度的能力這類題目的主要提問方式有:(1)The purpose of the passage is to ________________.(2)The writer writes this text to ________________.(3)The writer believes that ________________.(4)The author mainly tells us _______in the passage.(三)學會利用主題句理解英語閱讀理解題1.主題句在段首或篇首主題句在段首或篇首的情況相當普遍。一般新聞報道、說明文、議論文大都采用先總述、后分述的敘事方法。例如:Tea bag drinking is most Westerns favorite way of drinking tea. Do you know how it came about?The tea bag was invented in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan,an American tea seller.He was sending out free tea in silk(絲綢) bags for people to try.People put the bags together with the tea leaves into the cup and added hot water.The tea tasted good,and people thought it was easy to clean the cup.They were not happy when Sullivan started sending them loose(散的) tea again...