
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-09-17 14:26:53一、單項(xiàng)選擇題(下列各題的備選答案中,只有一項(xiàng)是最符合題意的,請把這個(gè)答案選出。)1.2014年7月7日是 七七事變 ( )周年紀(jì)念日。A.80B.77C.78D.792.我國最年輕的地級市是( )。A.克拉瑪依市B.白銀市C.日喀則市D.三沙市3.2014年第九號臺(tái)風(fēng) 威馬遜 ,于7月18日15時(shí)30分在( )沿海登陸,登陸時(shí)中心附近最大風(fēng)速達(dá)60米秒。A.海南文昌B.福建泉州C.浙江舟山D.廣西北海


解放軍文職招聘考試2014年解放軍文職人員招聘行測考試真題與答案(8)發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-06-19 22:13:5748.自從有了電視,情形有了難以料想的變化,明星的概念也大大泛化。一方面從明星生產(chǎn)的角度看,周期更短,速度更快。另一方面,即更關(guān)鍵之點(diǎn)是有了電視和網(wǎng)絡(luò),明星不一定需要借助角色成名,明星可以是扮演自身,就像電視主持人。由此,電視不僅生產(chǎn)了演藝明星,還生產(chǎn)體育明星、演講明星,還有大眾明星。到了大眾明星秀這一步,明星已經(jīng)不是遙不可及,他們早已脫下神秘的面紗,成為鄰家男孩和女孩。當(dāng)看電視成為日常生活的一個(gè)部分,明星就是日常生活的一個(gè)部分。下列有關(guān)明星概念 泛化 的說法,不正確的一項(xiàng)是()。A:有了電視,明星的生產(chǎn),變得周期更短、速度更快B:電視上的明星,只需扮演自身,不必借助于外在的角色C:電視娛樂節(jié)目使明星大眾化,人人都可以成為明星D:明星的神秘面紗已然褪去,成為明星的大門也洞然敞開答案:B[解析]原文是 明星不一定需要借助角色成名 ,B選項(xiàng)偷換為了 只需扮演自身,不必借助 ,過于絕對化,錯(cuò)誤。其他三項(xiàng)表述正確,故本題選B。49.我國古代民族南來北往,定居繁衍、遷徙流動(dòng),河谷兩岸的險(xiǎn)峻高山為走廊居民筑起了一道道難以逾越的__________,__________著他們的對外交往,所以走廊地帶文化的封閉性、差異性特別顯著。依次填入畫橫線部分最恰當(dāng)?shù)囊豁?xiàng)是()。A:天塹束縛B:防線約束C:壁壘鉗制D:屏障限制答案: 天塹 指天然形成的隔斷交通的大壕溝,因此 筑起 天塹 搭配不當(dāng),首先排除A項(xiàng)。 防線 比喻用以抵御外力,防護(hù)自身的東西。 屏障 指像屏風(fēng)那樣起遮擋、護(hù)衛(wèi)作用的東西。二者都含有 保護(hù) 的意思,而文段更強(qiáng)調(diào)的是崇山峻嶺不利于走廊居民的對外交往。因此第一空用 壁壘 最為恰當(dāng)。第二空, 鉗制 指用強(qiáng)力限制,使不能自由行動(dòng),程度最深;而 束縛 、 約束 、 限制 意義基本相同,程度太淺,由文中的 特別顯著 可知,此處應(yīng)選一個(gè)程度較重的詞,用 鉗制 更合適。本題答案為C。50.一切唯心主義者都主張()。A:世界是精神的產(chǎn)物B:世界萬物是 感覺的復(fù)合 C:上帝創(chuàng)造世界D:世界是不可認(rèn)識的答案:A51.3,4,6,12,36,()A:81;B:121;C:125;D:216答案:選D,后面除前面,兩兩相除得出4/3,3/2,2,3,X,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)A B=C于是我們得到X=2 3=6于是36 6=21652.某刑事人類學(xué)家在對260名殺人犯的外貌進(jìn)行了考察后,發(fā)現(xiàn)他們具有一些共同的生理特征,于是得出 殺人犯具有廣顎、顴骨突出、頭發(fā)黑而短特征 的結(jié)論。以下哪項(xiàng)與上述推理方式相同?()A:24一28之間沒有質(zhì)數(shù)B:八月十五云遮月,正月十五雪打燈C:植物種子經(jīng)超聲波處理后可增產(chǎn),所以玉米種子經(jīng)超聲波處理后也可增產(chǎn)D:某高校在對全校學(xué)生進(jìn)行調(diào)查后,得出 我校同學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)態(tài)度普遍較好 的結(jié)論53.1,8,9,4,(),1/6A:3;B:2;C:1;D:1/3;答案:選C,1=14,8=23,9=32,4=41,1=50,1/6=6(-1),其中,底數(shù)1,2,3,4,5,6等差;指數(shù)4,3,2,1,0,-1等差54.科學(xué)發(fā)展觀是立足(),總結(jié)我國發(fā)展實(shí)踐,借鑒國外發(fā)展經(jīng)驗(yàn),適應(yīng)新的發(fā)展要求提出來的。A:社會(huì)主義初級階段基本國情當(dāng)前我國發(fā)展的階段性特征B:解決環(huán)境資源問題C:全面建設(shè)小康社會(huì)的實(shí)踐D:


解放軍文職招聘考試2014年解放軍文職人員招聘行測考試真題與答案(7)發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-06-19 22:10:5742.國際收支是指一國在一定時(shí)期內(nèi)從國外收進(jìn)的全部貨幣資金和向國外支付的全部貨幣資金的()關(guān)系。A:相對B:對比C:反比D:正比答案:B43.關(guān)于世界非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn),下列說法不正確的是()。A:由人類以口頭或動(dòng)作方式相傳,具有民族歷史積淀和廣泛、突出代表性的民間文化遺產(chǎn)B:昆曲是現(xiàn)存的最古老的劇種之一,是我國最早被確認(rèn)的非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)C:蒙古族長調(diào)民歌是蒙古國申報(bào)的非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)D:韓國江陵端午祭和我國的端午節(jié)均為非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)答案:C項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤,蒙古族長調(diào)民歌是我國和蒙古國聯(lián)合申報(bào)的非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)。故正確答案為C。44.某航空公司的大型TU001抵達(dá)廣州后,三名記者站在出口處采訪剛下飛機(jī)的乘客: 您對剛乘坐的班機(jī)有什么不滿意的地方嗎 ,只有15%的被采訪者回答 有 。航空公司根據(jù)這一抽樣調(diào)查,得出結(jié)論:至少有80%的乘客對他們乘坐的航空公司的班機(jī)服務(wù)是滿意的。以下哪項(xiàng),如果是真的,將最有力地動(dòng)搖上述結(jié)論?A:記者采訪時(shí)離開出口的乘客65%不是乘坐TU001B:有10%的被采訪者拒絕回答記者的提問C:記者只能隨意采訪大約75%的離開出口的乘客D:上述TU001班機(jī)抵達(dá)北京時(shí)晚點(diǎn)4個(gè)小時(shí)答案:題干的結(jié)論是 至少有80%的乘客對他們乘坐的航空公司的班機(jī)服務(wù)是滿意的 ,理由是只有15%的被采訪者對剛乘坐的班機(jī)不滿意。假如A項(xiàng)正確。即記者采訪的乘客有65%不是乘坐TU001的,那么,論據(jù)與結(jié)論之間的聯(lián)系就被削弱,從而削弱了結(jié)論。假如B項(xiàng)為真,有10%的被采訪者拒絕回答,即使這10%的被采訪者都是不滿意的,也有75%的乘客滿意,削弱程度不大;C項(xiàng)也可能大部分被采訪的乘客都是乘坐TU001的,削弱程度不如A項(xiàng):而假如D項(xiàng)為真,也無法說明記者的采訪結(jié)果是有問題的,因而對題干結(jié)論影響不大。正確答案是A。45.久旱缺雨時(shí),下雨對莊稼笙長有利;雨澇成災(zāi)時(shí),下雨對莊稼有害。這說明()。A:事物的聯(lián)系是普遍的、無條件的B:事物的聯(lián)系是現(xiàn)實(shí)的、具體的C:事物的運(yùn)動(dòng)是客觀的、絕對的D:事物發(fā)展的根本原因在事物的內(nèi)部答案:世界上任何具體事物、現(xiàn)象的存在,無不依賴于一定的條件,隨著條件的改變,事物和現(xiàn)象之間以及事物現(xiàn)象內(nèi)部各要素之間聯(lián)系的性質(zhì)和方式也要發(fā)生變化。 下雨好不好 只能與莊稼需不需要這一條件聯(lián)系起來才能回答,題干材料說明了事物的聯(lián)系是現(xiàn)實(shí)的、具體的,故應(yīng)選B。46.下列有關(guān)文學(xué)常識的表述,錯(cuò)誤的一項(xiàng)是()。A:《再別康橋》《雨巷》《大堰河 我的保姆》《鄉(xiāng)愁》,分別是徐志摩、戴望舒、艾青、余光中的詩作B:雨果和卡夫卡都是著名小說家,前者是浪漫主義文學(xué)運(yùn)動(dòng)領(lǐng)袖,后者是西方現(xiàn)代主義文學(xué)奠基人C:東晉的陶淵明和謝靈運(yùn)分別是我國山水詩和田園詩的開山鼻祖D:人稱 小杜 的唐代詩人杜牧,工詩善文,《過華清宮》和《阿房宮賦》都是他的名作答案:C解析:陶淵明的詩質(zhì)樸平淡,語言以白描為主,是田園詩的開山鼻祖;謝靈運(yùn)的詩辭采華麗,是山水詩的開山鼻祖。C項(xiàng)表述錯(cuò)誤。47.針對食人魚非法進(jìn)入我國的現(xiàn)象,生態(tài)專家環(huán)保人士呼吁,應(yīng)盡快從法律層面建立、完善防護(hù)外來物種人侵的生態(tài)安全機(jī)制,_________我國的生態(tài)安全。A:維護(hù)B:保護(hù)C:保持D:維持答案:這道題屬于實(shí)詞的辨析,主要考查區(qū)別詞語的習(xí)慣搭配。維護(hù):維持保護(hù)。保護(hù):盡力照顧,使不受損害保持:維持(原狀),使不消失或減弱維持:維系;保持,維護(hù);幫助,主持;保持。應(yīng)用以下搭配:維護(hù)生態(tài)安全、維持生態(tài)平衡、保護(hù)生態(tài)環(huán)境,可知答案為A。


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-06-18 17:45:432016年6月英語六級聽力真題第三套Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分試題請?jiān)诖痤}卡1上作答。Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A) It is advertising electronic products.B) It is planning to tour East Asia.C) It is sponsoring a TV programme.D) It is giving performances in town.2. A) 20,000 pounds.B) 12,000 pounds.C) Less than 20,000 pounds.D) Less than 12,000 pounds.3. A) A lot of good publicity.B) Talented artists to work for it.C) Long-term investments.D) A decrease in production costs.4. A) Promise long-term cooperation with the Company.B) Explain frankly their own current financial situation.C) Pay for the printing of the performance programme.D) Bear the cost of publicising the Company s performance.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. A) He has been seeing doctors and counsellors.B) He has found a new way to train his voice.C) He was caught abusing drugs.D) He might give up concert tours.6. A) Singers may become addicted to it.B) It helps singers warm themselves up.C) Singers use it to stay away from colds.D) It can do harm to singers vocal chords.7. A) They are eager to become famous.B) Many lack professional training.C) Few will become successful.D) They live a glamorous life.8. A) Harm to singers done by smoky atmospheres.B) Side effects of some common drugs.C) Voice problems among pop singers.D) Hardships experienced by many young singers.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分試題請?jiān)诖痤}卡1上作答。Passage OneQuestions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A) It has not been very successful.B) It has long become a new trend.C) It has met with strong resistance.D) It has attracted a lot of users.10. A) It saves time.B) It increases parking capacity.C) It ensures drivers safety.D) It reduces car damage.11. A) Collect money and help new users.B) Maintain the automated system.C) Stay alert to any emergency.D) Walk around and guard against car theft.12. A) They will vary with the size of vehicles.B) They will be discountable to regular customers.C) They will be lower than conventional parking.D) They will be reduced if paid in cash.Passage TwoQuestions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.13. A) They do not know any solution.B) They do not give up drunk driving.C) They do not behave in public places.D) They do not admit being alcohol addicts.14. A) To stop them from fighting back.B) To thank them for their hospitality.C) To teach them the European lifestyle.D) To relieve their pains and sufferings.15. A) Without intervention they will be a headache to the nation.B) With support they can be brought back to a normal life.C) They readily respond to medical treatment.D) They pose a serious threat to social stability.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分試題請?jiān)诖痤}卡1上作答。Recording OneQuestions 16 to 19 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. A) To award them for their hard work.B) To build common views.C) To bring in business projects.D) To vote for action.17. A) Recovering from the Great Recession.B) Creating jobs and boosting the economy.C) Rewarding innovative businesses.D) Launching economic campaigns.18. A) Talking over paying off deficit.B) Increasing the number of middle class.C) Controlling the impact on education.D) Planning to reduce energy consumption.19. A) Shorten America s way to prosperity.B) Be cautious about reducing the deficit.C) Increase deficit to cover the revenue.D) Require the richest to pay more taxes.Recording TwoQuestions 20 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.20. A) They can be redeemed for cash.B) They can be used to reduce meal costs.C) They can be used as membership certificate.D) They can be used to make reservations.21. A) It is free for us to download the app.B) It helps you to be a professional cook.C) It provides advice about making recipes.D) It only rates recipes by popularity.22. A) By showing the weight of 200 kinds of food.B) By providing the price of 200 calories of food.C) By picturing the food of 200 calories with weights.D) By telling people 200 kinds of healthy food.Recording ThreeQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.23. A) About 43 percent of American adults.B) About 18 percent of the whole population.C) About 40 million American adults.D) About a half million people in America.24. A) To set a series of bans on public smoking.B) To set the price of cigarettes properly.C) To package the cigarettes with tips of warning.D) To reduce the production and supply of cigarettes.25. A) The office of the Surgeon General.B) The Food and Drug Administration.C) The Center for Tobacco Products.D) The Center for Disease Control and Prevention.Section A B C01-04:BAAC05-08:DDBC09-12:ABAB13-15:DAB16-19:BBAD20-22:BAC23-25:CBASection AConversation One1 What do we learn about the South Theater Company?們是否對贊助他們?nèi)|亞旅行感興趣。由此判斷這個(gè)公司打算去東亞旅行。因此答案為 B 項(xiàng)。贊助而不是贊助方,C 是利用對話中出現(xiàn)的 program 胡亂制造的干擾項(xiàng);D 計(jì)劃在鎮(zhèn)里演出 對話沒有提及。2 How much does the South Theater Company ask for in the letter?3 What benefit does the woman say their firm can get by sponsoring the South Theater Company?4 What does the woman suggest they do instead of paying the South Theater Company s travel expenses?Conversation Two5 What does last week s announcement say about rock star,Phil Collins?放棄巡演,因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)場音樂會(huì)正在毀掉他的嗓音。因此答案為 D。6 What does Paul Philips say about aspirin?7 What does Paul Philips say about young pop singers?8 What are the speakers mainly talking about?Section BPassage One9 What do we learn about robotic parking in the U.S. so far?10 advantage does robotic parking have according to its developers?11 What does the attendant do in the automated garage?12 What does the company say about the parking rates?Passage Two13 What is the problem of the victims about alcoholism according to the speaker?15 What does the speaker seem to believe about those affected by alcoholism?Section CRecording One16 Why are leaders of both parties invited to the White House next week?17 What is the focus of the mentioned plan?18 What are the major decisions about?19 What does combining spending cuts with revenue mean?Recording Two20 What are the points OpenTable offers users for?21 What do we learn about Epicurious?22 How does Calorific help people get healthier?Recording Three23 What is the number of smokers in America?24 What measures can be taken to make it harder to get cigarettes?25 What institution does the speaker most likely come from?雖然在錄音中出現(xiàn)過,但沒有明確的細(xì)節(jié)表明說話人來自那里,故排除 D 項(xiàng)。