
1). 事業(yè)單位受聘人員( ),所在單位可以隨時(shí)單方面與其解除聘用合同。A.楊某未經(jīng)單位同意在外自己辦公司B.王某身體差、學(xué)歷低,不能勝任工作C.小王1年內(nèi)累計(jì)曠工超過(guò)15個(gè)工作日D.蘇某出國(guó)后未經(jīng)聘用單位同意逾期不歸正確答案:D答案解析:聘用單位可以隨時(shí)單方面解除聘用合同的情況有:被人民法院判處拘役、有期徒刑緩刑的;在試用期內(nèi)被證明不符合聘用條件的;連續(xù)曠工超過(guò)10個(gè)工作日或者1年內(nèi)累計(jì)曠工超過(guò)20個(gè)工作日的;未經(jīng)聘用單位同意,擅自出國(guó)(境)的,或者出國(guó)(境)后未經(jīng)聘用單位同意逾期不歸的;連續(xù)兩年年度考核不合格的;嚴(yán)重違反工作紀(jì)律或者聘用單位規(guī)章制度的;嚴(yán)重失職、徇私舞弊,對(duì)聘用單位利益造成重大損害的。因此選項(xiàng)D符合要求。2). 根據(jù)我國(guó)法律規(guī)定,對(duì)于兩個(gè)以上的申請(qǐng)人分別就同樣的發(fā)明創(chuàng)造申請(qǐng)專利的,實(shí)行的原則為( )。A.使用在先B.完成在先C.申請(qǐng)?jiān)谙菵.按照本人的技術(shù)職稱高低正確答案:C答案解析:《專利法》第9條規(guī)定: 兩個(gè)以上的申請(qǐng)人分別就同樣的發(fā)明創(chuàng)造申請(qǐng)專利的,專利權(quán)授予最先申請(qǐng)的人。 由此可知,我國(guó)對(duì)于專利申請(qǐng)遵循申請(qǐng)?jiān)谙仍瓌t,本題答案選C。3). 一個(gè)正確的思想,往往需要經(jīng)歷由實(shí)踐到認(rèn)識(shí),認(rèn)識(shí)到實(shí)踐的多次反復(fù)才能形成,這是因?yàn)? )。A.認(rèn)識(shí)主體存在著自身的局限性B.事物的本質(zhì)暴露是一個(gè)過(guò)程C.人的認(rèn)識(shí)受社會(huì)歷史條件的限制D.認(rèn)識(shí)是一個(gè)過(guò)程正確答案:ABCD答案解析:認(rèn)識(shí)的發(fā)展過(guò)程表現(xiàn)為認(rèn)識(shí)過(guò)程的反復(fù)性和認(rèn)識(shí)發(fā)展的無(wú)限性。認(rèn)識(shí)過(guò)程的反復(fù)性是指人們對(duì)于一個(gè)復(fù)雜事物的認(rèn)識(shí)往往要經(jīng)過(guò)由感性認(rèn)識(shí)到理性認(rèn)識(shí),再由理性認(rèn)識(shí)到實(shí)踐的多次反復(fù)才能完成。這是因?yàn)樵谡J(rèn)識(shí)過(guò)程中始終存在著主觀和客觀的矛盾。從客觀方面看,事物的各個(gè)側(cè)面及其本質(zhì)的暴露有一個(gè)過(guò)程;從主觀方面看,人的認(rèn)識(shí)能力有一個(gè)提高的過(guò)程。人的認(rèn)識(shí)受著實(shí)踐范圍、立場(chǎng)、觀點(diǎn)、方法、思維能力、工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)和知識(shí)水平等因素的制約。


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-11-19 19:37:061). 當(dāng)事人有下列情形的,應(yīng)當(dāng)依法從輕或減輕行政處罰的有( )。A.已滿14周歲不滿18周歲的人有違法行為的B.主動(dòng)消除或減輕違法行為危害后果的C.受他人脅迫有違法行為的D.配合行政機(jī)關(guān)查處違法行為有立功表現(xiàn)的E.有悔過(guò)表現(xiàn)的正確答案:ABCD2). 審計(jì)人員對(duì)W公司實(shí)施財(cái)務(wù)審計(jì),開展的存貨截止期測(cè)試程序可能查明( )。A.多計(jì)年末存貨和應(yīng)付賬款B.少計(jì)年末存貨和應(yīng)付賬款C.存貨所有權(quán)D.虛增當(dāng)年利潤(rùn)E.虛減當(dāng)年利潤(rùn)正確答案:ABDE

解放軍文職招聘考試案例6: 測(cè)試一種殺微生物劑-解放軍文職人員招聘-軍隊(duì)文職考試-紅師教育

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-06-03 10:12:51案例6: 測(cè)試一種殺微生物劑Case 6: Testing A Microbicide背景:為了阻止艾滋病這一流行病的傳播,當(dāng)務(wù)之急就是擴(kuò)大婦女能夠用來(lái)預(yù)防性傳播疾病的途徑,其中包括陰道殺菌劑的使用。陰道殺菌劑將為女性提供保護(hù)自己防止感染艾滋病和其它性傳播疾病的可能性。理想的陰道殺菌劑應(yīng)該是安全有效,負(fù)擔(dān)得起,無(wú)色無(wú)味,易于存儲(chǔ),且可制成各種不同類型,是真正意義上完全由使用者控制的產(chǎn)品。同時(shí),該殺菌劑應(yīng)存在于避孕和/或非避孕配方中,并且無(wú)需醫(yī)生處方,即可獲得。當(dāng)務(wù)之急是開發(fā)一種可以為那些急需此藥劑的女性提供保護(hù)的產(chǎn)品,前提是她們堅(jiān)持使用此藥劑。作為女性的性伙伴,男性同樣可以受到殺菌劑的保護(hù),而免受感染。過(guò)去的十年間,在殺微生物劑研究和發(fā)展方面,已取得重大進(jìn)展。許多殺微生物劑產(chǎn)品為確定其安全性和毒性,仍處于I期臨床試驗(yàn)。目前,只有一種產(chǎn)品,即nonoxynol-9殺精蟲劑,正處于III期臨床試驗(yàn),以評(píng)估其保護(hù)女性不受艾滋病病毒感染的功效。計(jì)劃中的試驗(yàn),其目的在于進(jìn)一步評(píng)估該產(chǎn)品的安全性和有效性。這是第一次將是在非性工作者女性人群中展開的大規(guī)模的第二期殺微生物劑測(cè)試,而且這次的殺微生物劑的配方無(wú)避孕功效。該測(cè)試將由國(guó)際婦女力量組織(PWI)與其他來(lái)自東道國(guó)一所醫(yī)科大學(xué)的研究者合作完成。此項(xiàng)目的試驗(yàn)地點(diǎn)為兩家計(jì)劃生育診所。國(guó)際婦女力量組織(PWI)資助整修了這兩家準(zhǔn)備用于研究的診所, 為求更新實(shí)驗(yàn)室器械同時(shí)也便于雇傭更多護(hù)理和后勤人員。招募及場(chǎng)地選擇在此研究開始之前,來(lái)自國(guó)際婦女力量組織(PWI)的研究人員和東道國(guó)醫(yī)科大學(xué)的代表在即將展開此研究的所有診療所舉行了會(huì)議,目的是解釋此項(xiàng)研究并從那些可能成為本研究試驗(yàn)對(duì)象的婦女處得到反饋。參與此試驗(yàn)的女性必須年滿18,加入時(shí)HIV必須顯陰性,在研究開始前在當(dāng)?shù)鼐幼⌒铦M一年且一年之內(nèi)無(wú)意離開。一名研究人員將征求個(gè)人的知情同意,如若需要,還將安排一名翻譯,同時(shí),不會(huì)從性伙伴處征求同意。因?yàn)檠芯咳藛T認(rèn)為,這將對(duì)婦女的自主權(quán)造成傷害。研究人員既不鼓勵(lì)也不阻止參于研究的婦女告知其男性性伙伴加入此項(xiàng)研究。大約300位婦女將使用此凝膠或安慰劑,為期一年,且一周至少三次置于陰道,并在性交前也需使用。在加入此項(xiàng)試驗(yàn)后,這些婦女每月將來(lái)診所檢查是否有過(guò)敏跡象,并且接受性傳播疾病測(cè)試:每三個(gè)月,她們將接受HIV測(cè)試,并回答一系列有關(guān)該產(chǎn)品接受程度的問(wèn)題。在這幾次訪談時(shí),她們也將接受安全性行為咨詢服務(wù),免費(fèi)獲取避孕套,以及確保她們理解該測(cè)試的要求和目的所進(jìn)行的咨詢服務(wù)。同時(shí),在接受HIV測(cè)試前,以及如果她們選擇測(cè)試而獲取測(cè)試結(jié)果之前(參與者有權(quán)可以選擇不被告知測(cè)試結(jié)果),她們也將參與測(cè)試前和測(cè)試后的咨詢。如若有參與婦女被檢查出患有可治療的性病時(shí),她們將接受治療; 如若查出攜帶艾滋病病毒或/和患有其它疾病時(shí),她將被介紹給當(dāng)?shù)氐姆?wù)機(jī)構(gòu)(即第二或/和第三醫(yī)院或/和社會(huì)工作者)并且鼓勵(lì)她攜其性伙伴同往。確診為HIV陽(yáng)性的參與者,如果她們選擇的話,也可以繼續(xù)參與此試驗(yàn),因此退出此研究并不表明參與者已攜有HIV病毒。所有參與者都將獲得適度的補(bǔ)償金,每次往返診所的交通費(fèi)和水果點(diǎn)心。來(lái)自當(dāng)?shù)厣鐓^(qū)衛(wèi)生委員會(huì)(該委員會(huì)是有地方選舉、代表社區(qū)衛(wèi)生事務(wù))的一群婦女,在研究開始前的一次會(huì)議上提出了一個(gè)重要問(wèn)題。她們對(duì)研究人員在試驗(yàn)期間無(wú)需征求性伙伴的知情同意的決定持質(zhì)疑態(tài)度。她們的理由是如若性伙伴發(fā)現(xiàn)對(duì)方在沒(méi)有得到自己同意的情況下使用該產(chǎn)品,這將使婦女在性和肉體上可能遭到危險(xiǎn)。來(lái)自東道國(guó)的合作研究人員同樣出席了那次會(huì)議,他們爭(zhēng)辯道如果男性得知對(duì)方在使用殺微生物劑后,他們將不會(huì)允許對(duì)方參與此項(xiàng)研究,所以索求男性的知情同意就會(huì)使該研究的另一目的化為泡影,即這項(xiàng)研究旨在測(cè)試一種女性控制的方法。1.研究人員是否應(yīng)該向男性性伙伴征求知情同意?為什么?2.如果試驗(yàn)證明這種凝膠有效的話,研究人員是否有義務(wù)使進(jìn)行研究的社區(qū)的所有婦女都獲得這種產(chǎn)品?甚至是整個(gè)國(guó)家的婦女?Case 6: Testing a MicrobicideBackgroundA critical need in stemming the spread of the HIV/AIDS pandemic is to expand the range of methods that women can use for the prevention of all sexually transmitted infections, including vaginal microbicides.A vaginal microbicide would offer the potential for women to protect themselves from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). To be truly female controlled, the ideal microbicide would be effective, safe, acceptable, affordable, colourless, odourless, tasteless, easy to store and use, and available in a variety of preparations. It should also be available in contraceptive and non-contraceptive formulations and obtainable without a prescription. However, because the first microbicide to be developed is unlikely to be an ideal product with all these characteristics, the immediate priority is to develop a microbicide that provides protection if used consistently by those who need it most.The protective benefits of microbicides for male partners have not been studied but researchers believe that a woman s male partner would also be protected from infection. Microbicides have been shown to be effective against many sexually transmitted pathogens in vitro and they appear to be most effective in vivo as prophylaxis against cervical infection by N.gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis and vaginal infection by T. vaginalis.The prospects for developing microbicides are promising. There is growing consensus that developing a microbicide should be technically feasible, and there has been significant progress in microbicide research and development over the last ten years. Many microbicide products are still in the stage of phase I and II testing in order to establish their safety and toxicity. Currently, only one product, nonoxynol-9 (N-9) is being tested in phase III trials to assess its efficacy in protecting women from HIV infection.Despite the established need for a female controlled barrier method, many scientists, pharmaceutical companies and investors remain skeptical about the feasibility of achieving this goal. In part, this uncertainty derives from the lack of conclusive scientific data demonstrating that, as a class, female barrier methods have the potential to reduce the transmission of STIs. Without results from well-controlled clinical trials that test the efficacy of female barrier methods, their potential role in an overall program of HIV prevention will remain subject to debate.Power to Women International (PWI), a US based non-profit research organisation, with a strongly feminist agenda, is planning a study of a microbicide in China. Laboratory tests show that the product blocks HIV attachment to target cells in vitro. The phase I testing of this product was conducted in five countries and results indicated that the product caused no significant signs of irritation and that the women generally found it acceptable and easy to use. It should be noted however, that these women only used the product for 10 days and were not sexually active during this time.The proposed trial is designed to further assess the safety and effectiveness of this product. This is the first large-scale phase II microbicide trial to be done in a population of women who are not sex workers and with a microbicide formulation that is non-contraceptive. It will be conducted by PWI with co-investigators from a medical university in the host country. The project sites are two family planning clinics. PWI has funded the renovation of the two clinics that will be used for the study in order for the laboratory facilities to be upgraded and for more nursing and support staff to be employed.Recruitment and site selectionBefore the start of the study, the researchers from PWI and representatives from the host country university hold meetings in all the clinics in which the study will take place, in order to explain the study and elicit feedback from potential participants.To participate in this trial women must be 18 years or older, HIV negative when they enroll, and resident in the community for at least one year prior to the study, with no intention of leaving for another year. Individual informed consent will be sought from each participant by one of the researchers with the aid of a translator if necessary. Consent will not be sought from male partners as the researchers felt that this would undermine women s autonomy. They neither encouraged nor discouraged the women from informing their partners of their involvement in the study.Approximately 300 women will use the gel or placebo for approximately one year by applying it vaginally at least three times weekly as well as before intercourse. After enrolling in the trial, women will come to the clinic monthly to be examined for signs of irritation and tested for sexually transmitted infections; every three months they will be tested for HIV and asked a series of product acceptability questions. At these visits the women will receive safer-sex counselling, free condoms, and counselling to ensure that they understand the trial requirements and objectives. Prior to being tested for HIV and receiving their results if they choose (women have the option not to get their results), they will engage in pre- and post-test counselling. If a woman is found to have a treatable STD she will receive treatment; if she is found to have HIV or another condition she will be referred to health and support services (secondary/tertiary hospitals or social workers) available in the local area and will be encouraged to take her partner with her. Women diagnosed as HIV positive can continue to participate in the trial if they choose, so that leaving the trial does not signify HIV serostatus. All participants will receive modest monetary compensation for time and transport for each visit, as well as refreshments.A group of women from the community health committee, a locally elected body that represents the community in health matters, raises an important concern during one of the pre study meetings. They disagree with the decision of the researchers not to get informed consent from the male partners of women in the trial. They reason that this might place women at risk for sexual and physical abuse if their partner discovers that they are using the product without their consent.The co-investigators from the host country, also present at the meeting, argue that if the men are informed about the microbicide, they will not allow their partners to take part in the study. Seeking male consent would also negate one purpose of the study, which is to test a female controlled method.Questions1.Should investigators seek informed consent from male partners? Why?2.If this gel proves to be effective, do the researchers have any obligation to make it available to all women in the study communities? All women in the country?