
發(fā)布時間:2017-07-16 15:19:51西藏地域遼闊,人口居住分散。由于各地區(qū)地理環(huán)境、生產(chǎn)方式、勞動對象不同,尤其是地理條件的差異和宗教文化的影響,城鎮(zhèn)和農(nóng)村、農(nóng)村和牧區(qū)、牧區(qū)和森林地帶形成了各自不同的舞蹈形態(tài)和形體動作。目前發(fā)掘和發(fā)現(xiàn)的古代舞蹈以及前藏、后藏、昌都、阿里西部地區(qū)藏族民間舞和古典舞分布的現(xiàn)狀來看,真是多彩多姿,五光十色:有頓足為節(jié),連臂踏歌,熱烈歡騰的農(nóng)村 果諧 (圓圈歌舞);有踏步為節(jié),重腳下節(jié)奏點子變化,熱情歡快的 堆諧 (俗稱踢踏舞);有以歌為主,歌舞結(jié)合,悠揚雅曲的 囊瑪 (內(nèi)庭歌舞);有踏地為節(jié), 喳 、 頓 、 踏 相結(jié)合,頓挫有力的 達諧 (林區(qū)圈舞);有注重情緒表現(xiàn),舞姿優(yōu)美豪放的農(nóng)牧區(qū) 果卓 (舊稱鍋莊舞);有圓潤舒展,長袖翩翩,鈴聲震蕩,粗獷激揚,重技巧動作,表現(xiàn)狂熱情緒的 熱巴 鈴鼓舞;有羽錘翻飛,氣吞山河的 色瑪卓 (后藏的大鼓舞)和 卓諧 (前藏腰鼓舞);有配合劇情表演、自成一體的藏戲性格舞蹈;有伴合勞動,激發(fā)勞動熱情的 勒諧 啞劇性系列舞 羌姆 (俗稱 跳神 );以及稀世罕見,古香古色,具有西域風味的宮廷樂舞 噶爾 (供云樂舞)等等。從動律上看,既有 舞靴 ,又有 舞袖 ;從韻律上講,既有 圓滑風 ,又有 頓挫風 ,既有 點 的強烈音響,又有 線 的圓曲流動,呈現(xiàn)出同一民族不同形態(tài)的多風格特征。因此,西藏被稱為 歌舞的海洋 并非溢美之詞,而是藏民族歷史悠久,文化燦爛的真實寫照。


發(fā)布時間:2017-06-29 22:27:59CHENGDU New towns are rising rapidly in the countryside of Sichuan Province, southwest China.Over the past two years, some 200 towns have been set up, bringing the total to 5, 600. The towns are located at places with transport(交通運輸)facilities(設(shè)施條件).They serve as a link between cities and countryside, through which farm product is transported to the big cities and all kinds of goods brought from the cities to the countryside. Datang, on the Sichuan Tibet(西藏)Highway, in Pujiang county(蒲江縣) used to be a market. Now it has become an economicand commercial(商業(yè)的)centre of four counties nearby, and a link between these counties and the provincial(省的)capital of Chengdu.1. This passage was probably taken from _______.A. a travel book B. a history magazineC. a newspaper D. a textbook2. Which of the following is the closest to the number of the towns in Sichuan two years ago?A. 200. B. 5 400. C. 5 600. D. 5 800.3. The new towns serve to help _______.A. add more transport facilitiesB. make people s cultural life richC. business and the exchange of productsD. economic commercial center1.C。推斷題。根據(jù)CHENGDU New towns are rising rapidly in the countryside of Sichuan Province, southwest China可以知道,這是報紙上的一則新聞。2. B。細節(jié)題。根據(jù)some 200 towns have been set up, bringing the total to 5, 600可以推知,兩年前四川農(nóng)村的小城鎮(zhèn)的數(shù)目約為5 400個。3. C。細節(jié)題。根據(jù) through which farm product is transported to the big cities and all kinds of goods brought from the cities to the countryside 可推知農(nóng)村小城鎮(zhèn)有助于商品流通和產(chǎn)品交換。