
發(fā)布時間:2017-08-14 10:30:46音的高低 音的強弱 音的長短 音色(1)音有高低、強弱、長短、音色四種主要性質(zhì),在音樂表現(xiàn)中非常重要,其中以音的高低和長短最為重要。不知道您是否有這樣的體會:對于一首歌,不管您人聲演唱還是樂器演奏,唱的聲音是小是大,也不管您演唱或演奏時用什么調(diào),音的強弱及音色有了變化,但這支歌的旋律依舊。可是,如果這首歌的音高或音的長短有改變的話,則音樂的感受就會受到嚴重的影響??梢?,對一段旋律來說,音高和音長短的重要性。(2)音的高低決定于物體在一定時間的振動次數(shù)(頻率)。振動次數(shù)越多,音越高;振動次數(shù)越少,音越低。音的強弱決定于振幅(音 的振動幅度)的大小。振幅越大,音越強;振幅越小,音越弱。音的長短決定于音的延續(xù)時間的不同。音的延續(xù)時間越長,音越長;音的延續(xù)時間越短,音越短。而音色由發(fā)音體的性質(zhì)、形狀及泛音的多少等多種因素決定。(3)什么是音色? 音色指音的感覺特性。是音樂中極為吸引人、能直接觸動感官的重要表現(xiàn)手段。發(fā)音體的振動是由多種諧音組成,其中有基音和泛音,泛音的多寡及泛音之間的相對強度決定了特定的音色。人們區(qū)分音色的能力是天生的,音色分為人聲音色和器樂音色。人聲音色高、中、低音,并有男女之分;器樂音色中主要分弦樂器和管樂器,各種打擊樂器的音色也是各不相同的。


發(fā)布時間:2017-06-29 12:43:25Dear paul,It was great to hear from you and I m very glad to tell you something about Beijing Olympic Mascots .There are 5 Friendlies , or Fu Wa in Chinese , to serve as the Mascots for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games . Designed to express the nature of Chinese children, the 5 doll-like Frinedlies are symbols of four popular animals-the Fish , the Panda , the Tibetan Antelope , the Swallow and the Olympic Flame . Each of the Friendlies has a Chinese name-Beibei , Jingjjing , Huanhuan , Yingying and Nini. When we put them together , they say Beijing Huan Ying Ni, or Welcome to Beijing ! in English . These lovely dolls show us the Olympic spirit of universal friendship , and they each represent one of the following-the sea , forest , fire , earth and sky . As you can see , their colours have something to do with the 5 colours of the Olympic rings .I really hope you may come to Beijing in 2008 ! Certainly I ll be your company then ! Looking forward to your arrival !Yours ,Li Hua


發(fā)布時間:2017-08-29 20:55:51Directions:Study the following picture carefully and write anessay in which you should1) describe the picture,2) interpret its meaning, and3) point out its implications in our life.This simple picture represents a situation that every person must face: when approaching ajunction, which direction should one choose?Most viewers can empathize with the sense of hesitation and uncertainty embodied insuch an image. Without exception, everyone has to make choices in life, whether they concernschool, career, or love. While some choices are simple, one cannot avoid the task of makingdifficult decisions.Choices are often directly related to one"s happiness. University students,for example, facea hard and crucial decision upon graduating. Many students have difficulty deciding whether tocontinue studying or begin developing a career. Every individual is different, and one must takethe factors of one"s personal life into consideration. In addition to an awareness of specificcircumstances, however, making the right choice also depends on correct appraisal of oneself.In order to choose correctly, therefore, one must be both realistic and self aware.Furthermore, once having made a decision, one should seriously accept and pursue the pathone has chosen, and strive towards the realization of one"s goal with spirit.


發(fā)布時間:2017-08-12 23:58:07水分對作物生產(chǎn)的重要性水是生命起源的先決條件,沒有水就沒有生命。植物的一切正常生命活動都必須在細胞含有水分的狀況下才能發(fā)生。作物生產(chǎn)對水分的依賴性往往超過了任何其他因素。農(nóng)諺 有收無收在于水,收多收少在于肥 充分說明了水對作物生產(chǎn)的重要性。水是連接土壤作物一大氣這一系統(tǒng)的介質(zhì),水在吸收、輸導(dǎo)和蒸騰過程中把土壤、作物和大氣聯(lián)系在一起。水是通過不同形態(tài)、數(shù)量和持續(xù)時間3方面的變化對作物起作用的。水的不同形態(tài)是指水的三態(tài):固態(tài)、液態(tài)和氣態(tài);數(shù)量是指降水量的多少和大氣濕度的高低;持續(xù)時間是指降水、干旱、淹水等的持續(xù)日數(shù)。上述3個方面對作物的生長、發(fā)育和生理生化活動產(chǎn)生重要作用,進而影響作物產(chǎn)品的產(chǎn)量和質(zhì)量。二、作物對水分的吸收根是作物吸收水分的主要器官。作物通過根系從土壤中吸收大量水分,但只有o.1%~o.2%用于制造有機物,連同組成作物體內(nèi)的水分在內(nèi)也不超過所吸收水分的l%,其余絕大部分的水通過蒸騰作用而散失掉。蒸騰作用是指水分以氣態(tài)通過植物體的表面(主要是葉片)散失到體外的現(xiàn)象。除根系吸水外,植物體的其他部位也能吸收水分。